A list of the plants in the Garden at Starlings:
Berry Row is the east end of the house, a long corridor where there are blueberries mixed in with azaleas along the porch side with a Currant "cherry at the corner and on the fence side there are raspberries (family canes) heather bush, boysenberry, heather bush, random bush whose days are numbered, heather bush, thorn-less blackberry, heather bush, marionberry, heather bush, concord grape.
As this is our second growing season at Starlings most of these plants won't bear much fruit. I have hope for the raspberries and blackberry as they were transplanted last summer from our previous home where they lived for many years.
There are 5 varieties of blueberries, ironic because I only care for blueberries frozen and put into smoothies.
In the North garden there is a strawberry patch with mostly Puget Reliance and Tribute Everbearing strawberries. There are daffodils, crocus and two Japanese maples and a tulip magnolia tree. The magnolia will be removed after it blooms this spring. Sad but it needs to go. Right next to the house there is a large bare patch of clay where nothing grows because of the shade from the plum tree. This year I have planted some experimental potatoes and there is a rhubarb plant in the corner. I am also sad to say that the plum tree casts too much shade in the North Garden and we are planning on removing it this fall or next spring. I hope to use the current bare patch of earth for veggies that require lots of space like squash, potatoes and melons. I also plan to train vining veggies and honeysuckle on the house The Mr. would like a light pole on the corner in the place of the tree.